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Meet Tania Blanchard

Visual Artist based in Burleigh Heads

Ever look at a piece of art and just get lost in its beauty and find yourself smiling through a whirlwind of thoughts? Because same. Often for us, when the art is bigger and brighter it often is better – let’s be honest. And one local artist that gives us serious love heart eyes is Tania Blanchard. You may recognise her impasto dots style art from The Block, or prestigious magazines like Queensland Homes or Home Beautiful. Read on to find out about her creative process and her local loves.

Tania Blanchard, Remco Photography
Tania Blanchard, Remco Photography

How long have you been a Gold Coast local?
I’ve been on the Gold Coast in Burleigh for almost 18 years. A whole lifetime — in fact, my first son was only 9 months old when we moved here from Sydney. There have been a lot of milestones here.

Burleigh has definitely changed in those 18 years. It’s pretty cliche but my husband at the time got his dream job here and was mad about surfing so we just up and moved and I haven’t left since.

I have seen Burleigh change over the years from what seemed like a very quiet, low-key street to now a super cool place that everyone wants to live in. Amazing restaurants, great clothing stores and an atmosphere that is exciting and very welcoming.

Experiencing the change has been phenomenal. One thing that hasn’t changed in the laid-back feel that Queensland will always offer — you can still head straight off the beach and walk around bare feet — it’s great!

Tania Blanchard, Remco Photography
Tania Blanchard, Remco Photography

What do you love the most about the Gold Coast?
Apart from the obvious things like the amazing beaches, surf breaks, laid-back lifestyle and fabulous weather, there’s a really cool art scene here. I used to own an art gallery in Burleigh where I was in the thick of the local art community. I met some amazing and talented local artists and we are still friends today.

There’s a real stereotype about what Gold Coasters are, but once you go deeper than the surface the people are fantastic. So it’s the down-to-earth and gorgeous friendships that I have made over the years that make me love the Gold Coast. Most of these wonderful friendships were made when my kids were young so we have been friends for years. We support one another, and go on family holidays together. I feel very grateful for these genuine friendships that will last a lifetime.

We know better than to listen to what other people have to say because narrowmindedness doesn’t exist within my group of friends’ community. It’s like anywhere, people judge a book by its cover, but you need to read the book to fully understand the characters and the story.

Tania Blanchard working in her studio, Remco Photography
Tania Blanchard working in her studio, Remco Photography

Tell us a bit about yourself.
Personally, none of my days are planned out, I just fly by the seat of my pants mostly. It’s different every day and it kind of revolves around my three kids. They are home from school around 3:30 pm and I am always still trying to paint in my studio as I work quite late until it’s dinner time. I would love to say I put my feet up and read the paper and relax sometimes but there’s a lot that goes into running a busy household and business.

Professionally, I’m a one-woman show. I could work on my business 24 hours and still not get everything done because there is always something on the go. I love to start my day with a chai tea (or two) and answer a few emails. Then I do like to go into my studio and paint while the kids are at school. I go into my little world here. It’s my space and I love it. I often listen to podcasts or audiobooks while I paint. But then I often play nothing and just transcend into silence. I do like being absorbed in my thoughts as I’m so busy crazy in the outside world that sometimes having silence is just bliss…just me and my palate knife surrounded by colourful canvasses.  And sometimes play music (really loud) and I have been known to dance and sing. I can be a bit daggy but I don’t care…no one is watching (hopefully)!

Tania with Gravitation Nebula Series artwork (image supplied)
Tania with Gravitation Nebula Series artwork (image supplied)

What’s been your journey to becoming an artist? 
I often joke that I have been around the sun a few times… and it means that I have had a few different careers, but it has always been associated with art. I’ve been very connected to art. Even as a young girl, I would spend hours drawing so it was no surprise that I went on to pursue a visual art degree. I had great relationships with my teachers and mentors and that has shaped who I am as an artist today. I started having art exhibitions in the pre-internet days and back then I felt like it was really hard for artists to make a living as I certainly wasn’t making any money as an artist.

I went on to do graphic design studies and was a graphic designer for 15 years. I sang in a band plus worked as a DJ while I was doing this job, there were plenty of creative outlets during this time. My life has always been about creativity, writing songs, playing music, designing and learning about art, but I wasn’t sure where it was all going to head…

Moving from Sydney to the Gold Coast and starting a family meant becoming a full-time Mum so art took a backseat for a while. I had this longing to get back to my roots as an artist and started to see other people sharing their art on IG and it made me just think — I need to go on and do it. About eight years ago it took off and I haven’t looked back since.

Tania Blancard artwork, interiors Kira & Kira, photograph by Daniel Green
Tania Blancard artwork, interiors Kira & Kira, photograph by Daniel Green

How would you describe your work?
My work is made up of highly textural impasto dots or markings made with varying sizes of pallet knives. My pieces often start with layers of dark colours at the bottom and the last layers are usually lighter therefore there’s a sense of depth to each painting. Because the final layers are usually made with a smaller palate knife therefore my paintings from a distance can have a ‘dot’ look about them. When people ask what I’m up to, I have this joke that I say ‘Oh, just dropping dots’ — meaning I’m going to go and paint with my pallet knife.

I’ve always been drawn to bright colours and also have a love for clashing colours and warm colours against cool colours. I find this adds another dimension to my work. I intend that the way I arrange the dots will draw people into the picture. My desire is for my work to make people feel something — colour theory and psychology behind the emotional state when viewing different colours are super interesting to me.

My work is three-dimensional — paintings so textural they cast shadows — like it’s almost a combination of sculpture and painting, but on a canvas. They always look different depending on what time of the day it is and the way they are lit so they have a distinct versatility about them. I’ve even had feedback from my collectors about how much the painting changes and that they see something new every time they look at it.

Close up of Field of Blossoms artwork by Tania Blanchard (image supplied)
Close up of Field of Blossoms artwork by Tania Blanchard (image supplied)

What has been the biggest opportunity and/or challenge so far for you?
It was my friend Simone founder of the gorgeous Kira & Kira interiors store that first spotted my artwork via Instagram over eight years ago. She loved what I was doing and said that she’d love to sell my art in her store.  I was so excited at this prospect and even more excited when my first artwork was sold only a couple of weeks later. The next artwork was sold only a couple of minutes after I delivered it to K&K and this was the start of something a bit crazy and where it all took off. Artworks would sell almost immediately after I delivered them and I almost couldn’t keep up with the demand. My artwork takes so long to create. So I do have Kira and Kira to thank for my first opportunity of getting my artwork out into the world. We remain the greatest of friends and continue to support one another still to this day.

My second opportunity was back in 2017 when my artwork was featured in Ronnie and Georgia’s award-winning room on The Block. This was huge for me. I think I got over one thousand followers in a day (and more as the show went on) plus my art was featured in the background when all the homes went up for auction. The sale of my prints from that episode went off so I got lots of exposure from a different kind of audience.

Tania with Shelley Craft (image supplied)
Tania with Shelley Craft (image supplied)

I also believe that the best opportunities are often created by you. When I owned an art gallery and held my solo exhibitions and supported other artists it was an incredible opportunity to be a part of the local art community. Through hosting events at the gallery I was able to meet all sorts of people from art lovers to art directors and curators and even rockstars like Amy Shark who came along to my solo exhibition and now owns one of my artworks which hangs in her entranceway here on the Gold Coast…it was a magical time in my life.

Running my gallery wasn’t without its challenges. Everything was self-funded, from the exhibition marketing to the drinks served — I worked hard and paid for it all myself while creating art and supporting others to create their works too.

Just the everyday challenges of running a business on your own there’s a lot of juggling as I have three teens at home, life is very busy but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I find it hard to switch off sometimes but it’s not a chore at all, I love that I can be an artist and do what I love every day — it’s so rewarding to be able to push myself towards my goals.

Tania with Amy Shark, Remco Photography
Tania with Amy Shark, Remco Photography

What’s on the cards for the rest of 2023?
There are plenty of new opportunities for me this year. With my art, I am always wanting to extend and push myself into new creative endeavours. I’d love to combine my art with sculpture and I’m currently working on a piece that from a distance looks completely different on the outside to what it is on the inside…a parody that often I am met with people judging people before they get to know someone.

This year I am working on my solo show to be held around the middle of the year. I’m not sure of the location just yet but it will be somewhere that is unusual and where you would find a ‘normal’ art exhibition. I like the idea of showing work and juxtaposing my art against an obscure location. It will be the complete experience — the location, the invitation, the viewing itself… I’m planning for it to be a huge interactive event.

What is the best piece of business advice that you have ever been given?
It might not necessarily be business advice but it’s important to know who you are and trust your intuition. Whether with artistic expression, collaborations or business decisions, you have to back yourself 100%. Follow your gut. Ultimately you are the one who knows what works and what doesn’t. Take a breath and listen to yourself, you will make the right decision. I’ve had to learn how to trust the process, stay in my lane and just push myself past the fear of something not working.

Tania Blanchard in her studio, Remco Photography
Tania Blanchard in her studio, Remco Photography

What are your Gold Coast favourites…
Café/coffee spot: I love my chai. I don’t drink coffee so chai is my obsession and I am always on the hunt for a great one. Paddock in Burleigh does it well.
Restaurant: OOOOh This is a hard one as there are so many good restaurants in Burleigh now. Can I say three? I would have to Jimmy Wah’s. It’s been around for years but the food is always amazing as well as the service. And Restaurant Labart and also Light Years. These restaurants always serve exceptional food and service and have a great vibe so you feel like you’re getting the whole experience… I rarely go out these days so I like to know that I am going to have the best experience going to any of these places.
Bar or place for a drink: You really can’t beat the views and atmosphere of the Burleigh Pavillion. I know a lot of my male friends go to this next place but I’ve often been known to break the stereotype and meet up with my gal pals for a quick Friday afternoon bevy at The Crabpot. It’s very down-to-earth, friendly and has a local Burleigh vibe and I feel often like a spring chicken here which is nice for a change.
Beach: Nothing beats south Burleigh. All my three kids love to surf, especially my two older boys so you will often find them surfing Burleigh and how lucky are they to be living so close to one of the world’s best surf breaks. I have gone out with them but I just end up sitting on my surfboard watching them at least I’m out in the water.

How do you choose to spend your days off?
I’m lucky if I get a day off to spend doing entirely what I want to do. On those rare occasions, I just go to the beach, maybe for a run or go to pilates. I love to take Millie, my loyal pooch who is always by my side for walks. She also loves the beach and comes swimming out with me. Even if the waves are enormous she will always be right behind me trying to keep up.


12 reasons locals love Miami

People dining at Paddock Bakery (image courtesy of Destination Gold Coast)
People dining at Paddock Bakery (image courtesy of Destination Gold Coast)

Get in loser, we’re going shopping (and eating, and brewery-hopping, and sight seeing, and exploring street art, and… you get the idea)

Now you might be wondering why we’re throwing around random movie quotes to kick off this list (in our defence there is a Mean Girls line for *every* occasion) – but if suburbs were Mean Girls characters, Miami would for sure be the one to utter this iconic line. Miami has it all, and it knows it. Take one glance at just some of the epic spots we’ve lined up and you’ll soon see why all the other suburbs wish they could be this cool.

Aerial of Miami beach at sunset with Surfers Paradise skyline as a backdrop (image supplied by Destination Gold Coast)
Aerial of Miami beach at sunset with Surfers Paradise skyline as a backdrop (image supplied by Destination Gold Coast)

Paddock Bakery
One thing locals know, is the only thing loose in this (top) paddock is only the most scrumptious, buttery baked goods in 4220. Ever since Paddock opened it’s charmingly renovated doors in 2014, locals have been flocking there daily for their much-kneaded Paddock fix.

Reigning supreme as our baked-goods, brunch and lunch hookup ever since, the ex-Queenslander-turned-treehouse-of-our-childhood-dreams has expanded to welcome us and our relentless sweet tooth’s with open arms. With the lush gardens, cottage, loft, rooftop and barn to retreat to, the only thing more extensive than the dining space options is the menu to indulge from.
Where: 20 Hibiscus Haven, Miami

Nutella Bots, Paddock Bakery (image supplied)
Nutella Bots, Paddock Bakery (image supplied)

Granddad Jacks
It used to be that Granddads were good for stealing our noses and sneaking us butter candy, but in Miami, Granddad Jacks is good for plying us the finest locally distilled spirits, gin making classes, distillery tours and of course and just an all-round cool haunt to sit back with a top notch bevvy and let our mullets run free. These masterful wizards didn’t amass a whopping 70+ awards by getting distracted by anything other than distilling, so it’s BYO food too (and surely that means more to spend on the good stuff!)
Where: 45 Lemana Lane, Miami

Guests enjoying a distillery tour at Grandad Jacks Craft Distillery (image courtesy of Destination Gold Coast)
Guests enjoying a distillery tour at Grandad Jacks Craft Distillery (image courtesy of Destination Gold Coast)

Miami Fish Market
It would be shell-fish of us not to include the absolute pearl that is Miami Fish Market, and we have two words for you: Sashimi box. Soy-n us up, pls! Fin-ally, we have a hook up for the finest and freshest seafood that’s a sure thing (unlike heading home empty handed from your holy grail fishing spot). Also unlike a day on the water, the pros will handle all the dirty work so you can do as much or as little as you like – oysters shucked to order, anyone?!
Where: 1/54 Paradise Ave, Miami

Pizzey Park
Wine not take those fresh sucked oysters to-go and mosey right on over for a bougie picnic at the picturesque Pizzey park. As one of the biggest parks on the GC, Pizzey is a local icon and hub for sports, clubs, recreation and all round fun times for all ages. There’s an aquatic centre, playgrounds galore, a wheely epic skate park and let’s not forget the off-leash dog area for our four legged BFFs (paw out of five dogs agree Pizzey is the best park for zoomies on the GC)
Where: 80 Pacific Ave, Miami

Pizzey Park (image supplied by The Undercurrent)
Pizzey Park (image supplied by The Undercurrent)

Miami Marketta
The Coast’s OG street food night markets that put Miami on the map as a must-visit destination for foodies and live music lovers alike. The first venue of it’s kind to Miami and perhaps even the Coast, Marketta quickly grew to establish itself as a mainstay among the GC scene, bringing good vibes, live music and great food galore via the eclectic creative and cultural hotspot for over ten years now. Our beloved market brings us all our favourite tastes of the world as well as that same buzzing atmosphere that’s favoured by families especially, for rounding up their rowdy broods for an easy night out that everyone can enjoy.
Where: 23 Hillcrest Pde, Miami

Guests enjoying the communal seating area at Miami Marketta (image courtesy of Destination Gold Coast)
Guests enjoying the communal seating area at Miami Marketta (image courtesy of Destination Gold Coast)

UGG Since 1974
With the hotter weather officially taking some mercy on us now we’ve packed away the budgie smugglers and it’s the perfect time to slip into something a little more cosy. Enter, Ugg Since 1974 – churning out wearable warm hugs for your feet since, well, 1974. Don’t be feeling sheepish if you didn’t know they’ve expanded their range to include a huge selection of colours, styles and options to customise – including monogramming (cute!) through to paw-dorable pet accessories (even cuter!) With factory tours running right out of Miami, the only thing better than supporting local, is treating your tootsies to a cloud-nine experience in the process.
Where: 23 Christine Ave, Miami

Lumber Punks
Ever find yourself struck by the sudden and insatiable urge to don your flanno’s and yeet sharp objects at the wall? Okay so perhaps not, but when your usual rotation of outings is just not cutting it anymore – it might be time to hit up Lumber Punks because you really can’t axe for a better way to get the crew together for some laughs or some fun date night axe-ction. If you haven’t yet tried your hand at the phenomenon that is axe throwing, chop chop – because this is one adventure that brings the axe-mosphere in blades (er, spades, rather). If it’s good enough for Jason Momoa, it’s obvs good enough for us.
Where: 19 Ozone Pde, Miami

Jason Momoa at Lumber Punks, Miami (image supplied)
Jason Momoa at Lumber Punks, Miami (image supplied)

Miami Hill
Okay, now it just feels like Miami is showing off and 469 (no kidding) google reviews can’t be wrong. At first glance those deceptively colourful trademark stairs might look all sunshine and rainbows, but one thing’s for sure – conquer that climb and you will be rewarded with one of the best vantages on the coast. With stunning views of the coastline from Surfers right down to Burleigh, there’s only one thing left to say: How’s. the. serenity. (and maybe a hearty dose of *heavy breathing* depending on how many times you decide to take on those stairs #cardi-no thanks)
Where: At the south end of Miami (you can’t miss it) 

Miami Hill (image courtesy of Destination Gold Coast)
Miami Hill (image courtesy of Destination Gold Coast)

Trader Trove
Trader Trove, more like treasure trove. Welcome to Miami’s own worldly homewares haven for those who prefer their interiors on the luxe side – and their swoon-worthy assortment of bohemian inspired home decor, that’s more expertly curated than an influencers insta feed.

We love: a family run local biz with a dreamy selection of ethically minded homewares. We don’t love: that all self control seems to exit our body when we visit.
Where: 22 Christine Ave, Miami

You no longer need a certified 90’s banger to be proclaiming ‘fergalicious (so delicious)’ because ever since Fergs moved to town we’ve had an excuse to be saying it daily. For the unacquainted – f.e.r.g.s aka Fresh Eats Really Good Sh*t – has been dishing up breakfast and brunch much to the delight of southern GC, with all the staple brunch suspects you’d expect, but also the likes of Lemon Meringue Crumpets and really, need we say more?
Where: 2/43 Hillcrest Parade, Miami

Lemon Meringue Crumpets, Ferg's, Miami (Image: © 2023 Inside Gold Coast)
Lemon Meringue Crumpets, Ferg's, Miami (Image: © 2023 Inside Gold Coast)

Street art
It’s no secret us Gold Coasters are quite partial to doing what we can to our put our best #lewks forward, and over the last few years the streets of Miami have also been undergoing somewhat of a glow up themselves (and #spoileralert – there’s no filler to be found here folks). If it’s been a while between visits, it might surprise you to learn the suburb is at the heart of a thriving GC art and cultural boom, with a bunch of incredible artists transforming the local laneways into a destination in and of themselves. There’s even the Art Roll website dedicated to mapping out the best routes for your own self-led street art tour.

And the event that started the movement, Surface Festival returns for it’s third year this July, set to transform the local footpaths, fence lines, laneways and walls with some art-mazing fresh new works to admire and we’re here. for. it.
Where: Check the Art Roll website for locations

Art Roll Gold Coast (image supplied)
Art Roll Gold Coast (image supplied)

Precinct Brewing Co
If you’ve worked up a thirst just reading this list – last but by no means least is everyone’s (yep, we called it) favourite brewery, Precinct Brewing Co. Once you’ve stepped through the doors you’ll be welcomed into a sleek, all-white space with greenery dripping from up high, and an absolute slew of tanks brewing up some tasty treats. You can see why people say, it’s the place to beer! Don’t forget to grab one of the tasty pizzas coming from the onsite kitchen too…
Where: 17 Christine Ave, Miami

Precinct Brewing Comedy (image supplied)
Precinct Brewing Comedy (image supplied)

7 paint & sip classes on the Gold Coast

Paint and sip. Sip and paint. Whichever order you do it, you’re guaranteed a bloody good time. Many GC class providers have branched out from the OG canvas art, meaning you can cut your teeth on all sorts of other arty farty goodness, like clay, pots, and more. With a free-poured wine in hand of course and no side eyes please, because Dutch courage is still courage.

Whether you’re arranging a hen’s night, birthday, celebration or just want to get boozy with your squad (understandable), pick your class, whack a cheese platter and some sav in the esky, and get your creative on!

Paint & Sip at The Craft Parlour, Miami (image supplied)
Paint & Sip at The Craft Parlour, Miami (image supplied)

The Sweet Fine Artist Studio X The Henchman Miami
Make your way to The Henchman on the first Friday evening of every month to end the week sipping (standard), painting, and creating with Sip & Paint ($55 per person). For extra imagination and inspo, check out the carefully curated cocktail menu, and don’t forget to order a famous ‘Henchy Burger’ while you’re at it. Or, if pottery is more your jam (us!), have a crack at Sip & Clay on the second Sunday morning of each month ($49 per person). Dig your hands into premium air-drying earthy coloured clay whilst enjoying a coffee or cocktail and nibbling on a decadent croissant!
Where: 2/3 Karen Avenue, Mermaid Beach

The Sweet Fine Artist Studio (image supplied)
The Sweet Fine Artist Studio (image supplied)

Brushed n Boozee Sip Studio
Grab your brush, bring your booze, and head for the Sip Studio to paint fave rap and hip hop legends! Brushed n Boozee are bringin’ it back to the old school with their brand new ultra-modern crib, where experienced local artists – and the odd random guest appearance by the elusive Masked n Mute Mystery artist – will guide you. Then, dance the night away to 90s and 2000s bangers, set amongst a wall of murals and neon lights. Sicker than your average paint and sip, prices from $69 per person.
Where: 76 Kortum Drive, Burleigh Heads

Brushed n Boozee Sip Studio, Burleigh (image supplied)
Brushed n Boozee Sip Studio, Burleigh (image supplied)

The Craft Parlour
Leaders in the pack of all things creative, The Craft Parlour shares our obsession with textured art and colour us happy, is hosting a textured art class morning tea on 26th March. For $120 per person including morning tea, they’ll walk you through how to apply textured medium, create different layered looks, smoothing, texturing, colouring, and how to use the different textured tools.

Everyone will leave with one large 16 x 20-inch framed artwork which bonus, now we don’t need to go buy one for twice the price. We’ll paint to that!
Where: Lemana Lane, Miami

Textured Art, The Craft Parlour, Miami (image suplied)
Textured Art, The Craft Parlour, Miami (image suplied)

Pinot & Picasso
Offering classes in both Broadbeach and Palm Beach, try your hand at painting on canvas or painting on pots with your fave gal (or guy) gang, BYO snacks (cheeseboard anyone?!) and BYO bevs. Upcoming themes include waratah, monstera deliciosa, evil eye, Lake Tepako, an Amalfi morning, paint your pet, and Havana nights to name just a few. Classes take place both on weekdays and weekends with prices ranging from $50 – $80.
Where: 2723 Gold Coast Highway, Broadbeach & 1168 Gold Coast Highway, Palm Beach

Paint Juicy, Burleigh Heads (image supplied)
Paint Juicy, Burleigh Heads (image supplied)

Paint Juicy
If you’re planning a hen’s party, girls’ night out, or just want an excuse to share a wine with your posse, Paint Juicy’s nude male paint and sip classes are a ‘boner’ fide hit. Featuring a nude male in a safe and respectful environment (no scary weird dudes in sight), get all giggly as your muse de-robes on stage, and sip, paint, and boogie the night away. Bring your cheeky side, snacks (or pre-order a charcuterie), and of course drinks, and start planning where you’ll hang your well-hung work of art. $109 per person.
Where: 18/3 Flagstone Drive, Burleigh Heads

The Art Exchange (image supplied)
The Art Exchange (image supplied)

The Art Exchange
Hosting creative events for public and private functions from sip and paint to therapeutic painting, corporate events and hens’ nights, The Art Exchange has you covered. Choose from one of their creative concepts like the upcoming native botanicals paint and sip session at Burleigh’s Dirty Hands art space this Saturday 25th February ($55 per head). Maybe you’d prefer to paint your date (#SwipeLeftNextTime) or have a natter to The Art Exchange team about tailoring something specifically for you. In any case, pack your drinks and nibbles and your get arty farty on!
Where: 19/21 Park Ave, Burleigh Heads & Corner Via Roma & Verona Avenue, Isle of Capri

Mesi Studio Textured Art Workshop at Hard Fizz Headquarters (image supplied)
Mesi Studio Textured Art Workshop at Hard Fizz Headquarters (image supplied)

Mesi Studio
Mesi Studio is the Coast’s newest craft, paint and sip events venue, with textured art classes taking centre stage #yippee. Sign up for the new Textured Mirror Paint & Sip for $89 per person and up the cool factor of your abode. Make your very own wonky (but funky wonky) textured frame mirror whilst devouring BYO nibbles and drinks. Or if you’re a sucker for seltzer, a monthly Textured Art Workshop at Hard Fizz Headquarters may be more up your alley. Included in the $70 per person ticket is 1 x Fizz Seltzer Tasting Paddle and 1 x Fizz Can, with $3 feeds and $5 Fizz cocktails available to order on the night. #Let’sGetMesi!
Where: 90 Kortum Drive, Burleigh Heads (Studio) & 16 Hibiscus Haven, Burleigh Waters (Hard Fizz Headquarters).

Words by Bianca Trathen.

Local artisans showcased at new Burleigh space

The Damn Good Store (Image: © 2020 Inside Gold Coast)

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, the Gold Coast is fast becoming an absolute mecca for world-class creatives and we could not be more thrilled. If you feel the same (and we’re pretty sure you do), we’ve got something very exciting to tell you and if there was tiny thing our city was lacking, this is it.

It’s called The Damn Good Store. The store can be found tucked away down a little side alley-type situation where Greenfolk once lived and it is your new favourite spot to spend those hard earned dollars.

Why? Because this sweet space stocks wares by artists and makers from Brisbane to Byron Bay and it’s a carefully curated collection of the most stunning homewares, art, food, apparel and gifts and honestly, we want to buy at least five of everything.

The Damn Good Store (Image: © 2020 Inside Gold Coast)

The Damn Good Store is the work of Burleigh folks Sarah and Jarrad Miller who are quite the talented creatives themselves. They met at design school and went on to build impressive careers and a slew of creative contacts and eventually decided they wanted to support and showcase the local community by building a store where everything could come together so we, the lucky locals, could take it all home with us.

No doubt you’ll be familiar with some of the brands within the space but Sarah and Jarrad have also spent quite a lot of time researching to find the perfect mix of goodies. Everything within the store is made by small, local artists and there really are some incredibly talented people around here.

The Damn Good Store (Image: © 2020 Inside Gold Coast)

From artwork by local lads Kiel Tillman, Erin Larmor, Matt English, Rhys John Kaye, Michael Stiegler and Ben Whitemore and ladies Constanza Goeppinger, Hayley O’Connor and Susy Boyer to ceramics by Caroline C and candles that double as whisky glasses by LX Collection, there’s no way you’re not going home with armloads of goodies.

If you’re in the market for some local edible treats, there’s a range of epic sauces by JR’s Smokehouse Barbecue, lifechanging chocolate covered pecans by Barefoot Farm and plenty of locally made teas.

For the surfers, there’s Slick Daddy Zinc out of Byron Bay, natural surf wax made from beeswax by Good Wax and of course, some stunning wooden boards by Maywood Surfboards (who are also set to launch a sweet beach cricket set pretty soon too).

The Damn Good Store (Image: © 2020 Inside Gold Coast)

Skincare-wise you can stock up on organic goodies from Cannabella, some beautiful treats from Being Skincare and botanical soaps by l’essence. You’ll find handmade dolls houses, leather goods, notebooks, you name it, it’s there.

Plus, if all of that sounds like you’ll absolutely never be able to decide what you want (for yourself or someone else), no worries. Jarrad and Sarah have created the very best thing ever in the form of customised gift packs.

Name your receiver, the amount you’d like to spend and they’ll put something beautiful together for you, send you a photo to make sure you’re happy (you will be) and all you have to do is go pick it up. Within those boxes there can be bottle of Brookies Gin, beers from Lost Palms and local wines too.

The Damn Good Store (Image: © 2020 Inside Gold Coast)

It’s perfection and we have already been in several times to admire it all. Christmas is around the corner, so pop in for all your gifts while supporting local and look, it’s 2020, you deserve something special too.

Damn good indeed.

LOCATION: Sunbeau Court, 2A Gold Coast Highway, Burleigh Heads
HOURS: Daily from 9am until 4pm

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