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Meet Good Intentions Co.

Founded by two Gold Coast brothers Good Intentions Co. is all about giving back.

Aaron and Adrian touring the Food bank Queensland Food Distribution Centre in Brisbane (image supplied)
Aaron and Adrian touring the Food bank Queensland Food Distribution Centre in Brisbane (image supplied)

In honour of R U OK Day, we connected with the inspiring duo behind Good Intentions Co. Aaron and Adrian are two Gold Coast brothers who started a clothing brand with a purpose. They’ve pledged to donate 10% of their sales to incredible charities like Beyond Blue, FoodBank, and RizeUp. We chatted to one Aaron about what inspired Good Intentions Co. and how they’re making a positive impact, one tee at a time.

How long have you been a Gold Coast local?
Adrian and I moved from Sydney to the Gold Coast back in 2000, almost 23 years ago! So we feel we are Gold Coasters through and through!

Good Intentions Co. t-shirt (image supplied)
Good Intentions Co. t-shirt (image supplied)

What do you love the most about the Gold Coast?
Besides our amazing family and friends that also call the Gold Coast home, it would definitely have to be the world-class beaches. As an avid surfer I find nothing beats spending time out in the ocean after a day’s work to clear my head. If the points are busy, I usually try my luck on one of the beach breaks. I feel so lucky to have had these beaches as my playground growing up and find it is the thing I miss most whenever I’m away from home.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I’m Aaron. Prior to launching the clothing brand with my brother, I dedicated much of my early adulthood to chasing winter. I traded the coastline for mountain ranges and developed a deep passion for snowboarding. After a few years of pursuing winter adventures, I came back home with a strong desire to create and build something meaningful.

Good Intentions Co. t-shirt (image supplied)
Good Intentions Co. t-shirt (image supplied)

For those that don’t know, what is Good Intentions Co.?
Good Intentions Co. is a Gold Coast based clothing brand intent on celebrating coastal living and giving back to our community. We focus on creating quality, minimally designed pieces people feel good in and can feel good about. Drawing inspiration from the beautiful surrounds of the Gold Coast you’ll find a lot of earthy tones within our range.

Good Intentions Co. t-shirt (image supplied)
Good Intentions Co. t-shirt (image supplied)

How did Good Intentions Co. come about?
Upon arriving home from my overseas travels Adrian and I sat down and began talking about building something together, something special. This sparked a re-evaluation of what brought purpose and meaning to our lives.
After many late-night brainstorming sessions and long car trips with ideas bouncing through the air, our clothing brand was born! Inspired by purposeful living and sunny days on the beach, our business was in need of a name. One day, I was walking down the street and saw a woman wearing a yellow dress. Upon seeing her in that bright yellow dress I thought to myself ‘This lady does not look like she is about to rob a bank, she looks like she has good intentions’. From there we set about turning Good Intentions Co. into a project we could call our own.

Good Intentions Co. t-shirt (image supplied)
Good Intentions Co. t-shirt (image supplied)

Tell us about your Giving Back Initiative.
When we started Good Intentions Co. we decided to create a brand that did not just give our customers quality clothing, but build a brand that had a positive impact on the community. In the beginning, we had no designs, website, or sales, just a business name and a dream of doing better. This is when we made the decision that we would pay it forward.

Through our Giving Back Initiative we give 10% of each shirt sold to a charity/organisation to help with varying social injustices/challenges ranging from food scarcity to domestic violence and mental health.

Good Intentions Co. t-shirt (image supplied)
Good Intentions Co. t-shirt (image supplied)

Why did you choose RizeUp, Beyond Blue and Foodbank as your charities to get behind?
Like everyone else, we rode the wave of uncertainty that was 2020 and watched firsthand how mental health, home and social safety and resource scarcity affected those around us. What we also observed however was a strong sense of community.

Previously we had planted a tree for every shirt sold. The changing way of living made us sit and contemplate who would be most affected by these challenging times.

After deliberation, Adrian and I chose Beyond Blue, RizeUp and Foodbank as these charities targeted the pressing challenges. We feel so proud to support these charities and every day admire the amazing work they do and the incredible changes they are making in people’s lives. To date we have raised over $40,000 for Beyond Blue, RizeUp and Foodbank and look forward to continuing to contribute more as our business grows.

Good Intentions Co. t-shirt (image supplied)
Good Intentions Co. t-shirt (image supplied)

What are your Gold Coast Favourites:
Favourite café: Quade and Co. the coffee there is fantastic! If you haven’t been, it’s worth a visit!
Favourite restaurant: Temple of Spices in Mermaid Beach for sure.
Favourite bar: This is an ongoing debate between Adrian and I. He is a Mars bar fan but I am adamant that Snickers bars are the way to go haha.
Favourite beach: Currumbin Alley!

How do you choose to spend your days off?
What are they? haha. We generally keep pretty busy. I try to exercise a few times a week which helps me unwind and has many other benefits as well. In my downtime I will catch up with family and friends or get a coffee and read a book down at the beach.

Meet Nicolle Edwards

Nicolle Edwards, CEO of RizeUp (image supplied)
Nicolle Edwards, CEO of RizeUp (image supplied)

Nicolle Edwards is the founder and CEO of RizeUp, a Gold Coast based not-for-profit organisation that provides vital practical support for families fleeing domestic and family violence. RizeUp is not just focused on awareness, but provides real solutions, from helping to create a new home for victims fleeing a violent household and supporting children in their healing process, to raising much-needed funds for families left with nothing but the clothes on their backs. The month of May marks Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month in Queensland, so we thought it was a fitting time to chat with Nicolle about what inspired her to start RizeUp and how they’ve made an impact on the Gold Coast

How long have you been a Gold Coast local?
I have been a local Gold Coaster for four decades, even going to school at St Hilda’s.

What do you love the most about the Gold Coast?
I absolutely love the Gold Coast for its stunning beaches, vibrant culture and diverse community. The people here are warm and welcoming, and it truly is a magical place where you can live, work and play all year round. It’s truly a gem of Australia that I feel privileged to call home.

Nicolle Edwards, CEO of RizeUp (image supplied)
Nicolle Edwards, CEO of RizeUp (image supplied)

Tell us a bit about yourself.
Hmm, how do I describe myself? My LinkedIn bio pretty much sums it up by describing me as a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, activist, champion against domestic violence, and an ally.

Professionally, I am the CEO of RizeUp, a non-profit organisation based on the Gold Coast that provides support to families affected by domestic and family violence. I am proud to say that RizeUp is a leading service in our city and has helped thousands of local families in need.

Personally, my world centres around my two beautiful children and my husband of 20 years, Gareth. Gareth is a supportive partner who shares my passion and commitment to helping others. Together we have built a loving home filled with warmth, laughter, and compassion.

Nicolle Edwards (image supplied)
Nicolle Edwards, CEO of RizeUp (image supplied)

For those who don’t know what is RizeUp Australia?
RizeUp Australia is an organisation that provides practical and tangible support to families affected by domestic and family violence. We began our journey in 2012 on the Gold Coast and have since grown into a national non-profit that operates in multiple locations across Australia.

Our primary goal is to create a safe and stable home for families in crisis. We achieve this by providing essential items such as furniture, bedding and household appliances to families who have fled domestic violence situations. We also offer financial assistance, educational programs and events that promote healing, education and empowerment for victim survivors of domestic and family violence. As super-connectors, we pride ourselves on working collaboratively to obtain the very best outcomes for some of the most disadvantaged people in society.

RizeUp aims to break the cycle of violence and empower survivors to rebuild their lives with dignity and respect. We rely on the generosity of our volunteers, corporate partners, and donors to provide these essential services to families in need.

Nicolle Edwards, CEO of RizeUp (image supplied)
Nicolle Edwards, CEO of RizeUp (image supplied)

What inspired you to start RizeUp?
RizeUp was created in response to the growing epidemic of domestic and family violence affecting families on the Gold Coast. I witnessed first-hand the devastating impact this violence was having on families, particularly women and children, and felt compelled to do something to help.

Seeing a gap in services for families who had fled violence and who were starting over with nothing, it seemed obvious to me that practical support was a vital element needed to help families rebuild their lives in safety and security and to avoid families going back to violent situations out of economic necessity.

What’s a typical day in the life as CEO of RizeUp Australia?
My days are mainly spent balancing the demands and needs of families in crisis while building impactful partnerships and managing our team across Australia. While the work is demanding and time-consuming, it is also deeply rewarding as we are making a positive impact for families who are starting again.

From meeting with my team, attending external meetings with donors, politicians and community leaders, managing emails and calls, responding to requests for information, fundraising appeals, event planning, delivering keynote addresses or DFV training sessions for organisations and working closely with front-line agencies – no day is ever the same.

Nicolle Edwards (image supplied)
Nicolle Edwards (image supplied)

What has RizeUp’s impact been like here on the Gold Coast?
RizeUp’s impact on the Gold Coast has been far-reaching. Since our inception we have provided support to thousands of local families who are fleeing domestic and family violence by providing these families with a fresh new beginning.

What’s next for RizeUp Australia?
We will continue to expand our services to new regions across Australia so we can help more families escaping domestic and family violence situations. We will also continue our efforts to advocate for better policies, resources, and services for families. By prioritising the needs of victim survivors and working with our community and corporate partners, the future of RizeUp looks promising with robust plans to help more families fleeing domestic and family violence.

Nicolle Edwards, CEO of RizeUp (image supplied)
Nicolle Edwards, CEO of RizeUp (image supplied)

How can locals get involved?
Locals can get involved with RizeUp in several ways to support the families impacted by domestic and family violence here on the Gold Coast.

Donating funds is one of the simplest ways to make a difference. By donating to RizeUp, you can help us continue our work and provide practical support to families affected by domestic and family violence.

Secondly, locals can become a RizeUp volunteer. We rely on volunteers to help with our programs, events, and outreach. We now have a network of over 1000 volunteers who help in so many ways from moving and delivering furniture, sorting donations, and other tasks. Being a volunteer is a beautiful way to meet new friends, increase your feeling of connectivity to your community and removes feelings of isolation which are so prevalent today.  As an organisation, we are entirely people centric, and with an almost perfect retainment rate our volunteers are valued and appreciated.

Nicolle Edwards (image supplied)
Nicolle Edwards (image supplied)

We rely entirely on the monetary support of our community to assist us with our work.  So, whether you’re an individual, a business owner or philanthropist we would gratefully accept your financial support. Community fundraising events are a great way to raise awareness and funds. You can organise a fundraising event such as a bake sale, a fun run, a trivia night, or a charity auction to support us. Locals can also donate goods. We accept donations of new furniture, bedding, toys, and other household items. Locals can also choose to support RizeUp as a corporate sponsor through a monetary donation or sponsoring an event.

Finally, locals can spread awareness. Any social media post or public mention of RizeUp helps to spread awareness of the cause and encourage more community involvement. By getting involved in one of these ways, locals on the Gold Coast can help make a real difference in the lives of families affected by domestic and family violence.

What are your Gold Coast favourites…
Café/coffee spot:
Café Catalina, Southport
Restaurant: Rick Shores
Bar or place for a drink: Hyde Paradiso
Beach: Burleigh Beach

How do you choose to spend your days off?
Recharging by spending quality time with my family and friends or relaxing at home with a good book.

4 tips to help improve your mental health

Raising awareness about mental health issues is a cause close to everyone’s heart in one way or another and at the moment, we all need to be vigilant about taking care of our own and keeping an eye on that of those around us.

Because we’re all about sharing/stealing good advice when we come across it, here are a couple of tips from local not-for-profit LIVIN if you’re feeling like your mental health could use a little TLC.

Get enough sleep
It’s super important to develop a regular sleeping schedule to help you feel energized, focused and motivated. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day and if you can’t sleep, practice controlled breathing (focusing on inhaling and exhaling to help you relax).

Sounds very uncool but is actually very good for not only your physical health (obviously) but your mental health too. Even just a short stint (15 minutes) will give you a rush of feel good energy and can help to relieve stress and pent up frustration.

Eat healthily
It’s no surprise fruit and veggies are good for you but did you know they can help your sleeping patterns, energy levels and general wellbeing? True story. Obviously fast food, that is easy to get when you don’t feel like doing anything, has very low levels of nutrition, which means low energy, and generally feeling worse than you otherwise would.

Enjoy yourself
Having fun for the win! Here’s an excuse to find things that bring you joy, watch hilarious show online and have a good laugh whenever you can. Talking to people who uplift your mood is clearly a positive thing to do, not to mention, if you need a chat about how you’re feeling, your friends are the perfect people to do that with. At the moment we”re in such uncertain times, it’s highly likely everyone could do with a chat and since we aren’t really meant to go near each other, may as well pick up that phone.

If you, or someone you know, needs immediate assistance please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14.

Words by Kirra Smith

The Undercurrent’s new range is here

Gold Coast fashion brand The Undercurrent has launched their second range of tee shirts designed by local artists to depict popular aspects of Gold Coast suburbs.

The range will see Palm Beach, Miami, Broadbeach and Nobby Beach represented along with a general Gold Coast t-shirt and trucker cap.

Five new artists have been commissioned to design the range and the simple brief requested they include elements that best represent both the history and current vibe of the suburb. The initial range saw tees representing Surfers Paradise, Coolangatta, Currumbin, Burleigh Heads and Mermaid Beach fly off the shelves thus calling for a second range to be created almost immediately.

Aimed at both locals and tourists, The Undercurrent was born from owner Carly Snodgrass’s desire to showcase the Coast in a way that adequately represents her beautiful hometown and the talented creatives residing within it.

She says, “It was easy to see from the get-go that a second range would be needed with the amount of feedback we received from the first range. People were screaming for their suburb to be added! I’m really stoked with how the new suburb tees look. They were created by completely new local artists to the brand.

“The suburbs were chosen by which locals screamed the loudest. Our coastal suburbs appeal to both locals and tourists, so everyone can get on board.

“I chose the artists from a few who had approached me and a couple we sought out. There are so many fantastic local creatives on the Coast, so it’s always a tough decision aligning the right artist with the right suburb. We want to make sure they thoroughly do their research for the area and can bring that history to life.

“I feel like we’ve really taken the essence from each suburb and have created something that locals will be proud to wear, otherwise we haven’t done what we set out to do.”

The Undercurrent’s name is two-fold; a nod to the Gold Coast’s thriving surf culture and the unveiling of a side of the city that may not be common knowledge, but definitely should be.

$2 from every sale is donated to Surf Lifesaving Queensland who were who were chosen due to the huge part they play in both assisting tourists and their vital role in shaping the Gold Coast’s culture.

Use the code ilovegc for 20% off all products.

Words by Kirra Smith.

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