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Give back to the Gold Coast this Christmas

Starting with the Vinnie’s Christmas Appeal.

Christmas Child Open Present Gift Box

So it would seem Christmas is less than two months away and although we’re unsure where that year went (and the rest of them to be honest), here we are.

For many of us, Christmas is a time of family, food and frivolity and the holiday season is something we look forward to every year because, presents, kidding it’s (mostly) about time with loved ones, but also presents.

Speaking of presents, here’s the point of our tale.

This year (and for many years before this one) a thing called the Vinnie’s Christmas Appeal has existed and it’s an opportunity for those of us who are able, to purchase extra presents for people in need.

Which is amazing obviously.

Our pals at Chempro are doing their part to get in the Christmas spirit through working in partnership with the St Vincent de Paul Society and running their very own Vinnie’s Christmas Appeal.

How it works is that you, the fine folks of the Gold Coast, purchase presents for the people you love (and your favourite writers should you so desire) and while you’re there, we grab something extra for someone we will never meet but who will certainly be eternally grateful for your kindness.

So, while you’re visiting your local Chempro over the next couple of months, ticking goodies off your present list and feeling all proud of yourself, go that extra step and grab something special for a stranger who’s unable to purchase gifts for their own loved ones.

The Chempro team will pop a little gift tag on it and place it under their tree so when the big man rolls around come Christmas Eve, he’ll have a few more deliveries to drop off.

Not to mention, the November Chempro catalogue is absolutely packed with goodies we absolutely adore (eg. perfume, makeup and gift packs) so it won’t be too hard to find something for folks (and yourself of course).

Have your gifts in to your local Chempro Chemist by Wednesday December 12th so the elves have time to distribute them.

Happy time of giving friends.


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