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77 floors, one epic cause

Lace up and take on the Q1 Stair Challenge for LIVIN.

Q1, Surfers Paradise (image supplied)
Q1, Surfers Paradise (image supplied)

One step can start a journey. 1,331 steps can change lives. The SkyPoint Sea to Sky Q1 Stair Challenge with LIVIN isn’t just about conquering 77 floors—it’s about standing together for mental health. As you push through each step, you’re helping raise funds that bring life-changing conversations into schools and workplaces, reminding people that they’re not alone. Let’s climb for those who can’t, for those who need hope, and for a future where speaking up is seen as strength.

2024 SkyPoint Sea to Sky Q1 Stair Challenge (image supplied)
2024 SkyPoint Sea to Sky Q1 Stair Challenge (image supplied)

There’s no wrong way to tackle the climb – whether you sprint, walk, or crawl to the top, you’ll be rewarded with breathtaking 360-degree views of the Gold Coast from the SkyPoint Observation Deck. Over the past nine years, this event has raised over $500,000 for community charities, and this year, the goal is even bigger. You can register solo, challenge a friend (or a rival) with the new Team Challenge feature, or rally your workmates, school friends, or gym crew to climb together. Want to make it a family affair? Sign everyone up and turn your Sunday into an unforgettable adventure.

2024 SkyPoint Sea to Sky Q1 Stair Challenge (image supplied)
2024 SkyPoint Sea to Sky Q1 Stair Challenge (image supplied)

Some serious stair legends have taken on this challenge in the past, including double amputee Shane Kerr, multi-climbers Kaye Robinson and Kevin Thompson, and a very good boy – Steve the therapy dog, who stole the show in 2024. But whether you’re aiming for the fastest time or just looking to make it to the top, the real win is in supporting LIVIN’s life-changing mental health programs.

2024 SkyPoint Sea to Sky Q1 Stair Challenge (image supplied)
2024 SkyPoint Sea to Sky Q1 Stair Challenge (image supplied)

At the heart of the event, proudly sponsored by CE Group, is LIVIN, a non-profit dedicated to breaking the stigma around mental illness with its motto, It Ain’t Weak to Speak. LIVIN was founded in memory of Dwayne Lally, who, like so many others, struggled in silence. The funds raised from this challenge go directly to LIVINWell school programs, where trained facilitators teach kids about mental health in an approachable and meaningful way. Every participant must raise at least $40 (on top of their registration fee), and trust us, every dollar counts.

LIVIN co-founder Casey Lyons, Jess Burke and Shane Slegers (L-R) 2024 SkyPoint Sea to Sky Q1 Stair Challenge (image supplied)
LIVIN co-founder Casey Lyons, Jess Burke and Shane Slegers (L-R) 2024 SkyPoint Sea to Sky Q1 Stair Challenge (image supplied)

One person who knows just how much this event can make a difference is Shane Slegers, who has raised nearly $20,000 over the past two years. He climbs in honour of his friend and workmate Luke Berry, a bright young engineering graduate who tragically lost his life to mental illness in 2022. Shane’s commitment to raising awareness and funds is exactly what this event is all about – honouring those we’ve lost and making sure more people get the support they need.

2024 SkyPoint Sea to Sky Q1 Stair Challenge (image supplied)
2024 SkyPoint Sea to Sky Q1 Stair Challenge (image supplied)

The big day is set for Sunday 9th March with check-in opening at 6:30 am and wave starts kicking off from 7:00 am at Q1, Surfers Paradise. All participants will get a race bib, electronic timing, medal, fruit and drinks at the finish, and most importantly, bragging rights. Registration is open online until 12 pm on March 8, or you can enter on the day – unless spots sell out first.

2024 SkyPoint Sea to Sky Q1 Stair Challenge (image supplied)
2024 SkyPoint Sea to Sky Q1 Stair Challenge (image supplied)

So, are you ready to step up? Sign up, lace up, and get ready to climb for a cause. Because this challenge isn’t just about reaching the top – it’s about lifting each other up along the way.

Click here to register now.

Where: Q1, 9 Hamilton Avenue, Surfers Paradise
When: Sunday 9th March from 7:00am

Words by Chelsea Ipsen


Q1, Surfers Paradise (image supplied)
Q1, Surfers Paradise (image supplied)

Casey Lyons

Casey Lyons, left, and Sam Webb together started a group called 'Livin'' after one of their mates committed suicide. Pic by Luke Marsden.

A born and bred Gold Coaster, Casey Lyons, along with his mate Sam Webb, founded locally based not-for-profit company LIVIN after losing their best friend to suicide. Together the pair have changed the way many Australians understand mental health.

We spoke with Casey on the importance of raising mental health awareness how we locals can look after each other and help LIVIN create change. 

How long have lived on the Gold Coast?
29 years, I grew up in Mudgeeraba and Burleigh so I’m pretty lucky.

What’s your favourite thing about calling the Coast home?
Probably the laidback vibe. We’re lucky to be blessed with beautiful beaches but we’ve also got an amazing hinterland not too far either, it’s the best of both worlds. I start every day with a morning walk along the creek and up to the beach, that’s another thing I love, being able to start my day off on such a positive note. 

Tell me how LIVIN came about?
LIVIN started in 2013 in the most tragic of circumstances when my best friend Dwayne Lally took his life. Dwayne lived with depression and bipolar for a number of years and the stigma kept him quiet. He was a tough, loving and very outgoing character but there was a battle that lived inside him that he didn’t know how to articulate. After losing him we were confronted by the shocking statistics that surround mental health and suicide in this country and we wanted to turn that negative into a positive. We didn’t want his death to be in vain.

What does it take to put together a not-for-profit?
We didn’t really know what to do but we were lucky that we had a lot of good people around us who helped us to get to where we are now. We had Minter Ellison Law Firm at Varsity Lakes reach out to us for a community fund raiser and then offer to do pro bono work for us and they helped set us up as a not-for-profit charity. Without them, this journey would have been very hard, expensive and confusing but they made it a hell of a lot easier.  

Did you expect it to have such an impact? 
When anyone starts anything, I suppose they always have dreams of wanting it to be as big as possible but we never imagined it would get this big this quickly. The fact that it grew so much kind of represents the problem we’re facing in society. One in five people suffer from some form of mental illness and suicide is the leading cause of death between the ages of 15 and 44 so chances are someone you know has been affected by this tragedy.

What are LIVIN’s main ways of raising awareness?
We’ve got our merchandise, which started out as a by-product and a way for us to create an identity. It was also a way to raise money without asking people to donate and give nothing in return. The merchandise started as a fundraiser but so many beautiful things have happened off the back of that. There’s a group of people who understand each other, if someone sees a person wearing a LIVIN shirt, they get that head nod or a wave, it’s just a great conversation starter. We do a lot of community based events from 24-hour runs to bands playing gigs for us, local fundraisers, you name it, we’ve probably done it. Our most important aspect is our education program. It goes to schools, businesses, sporting clubs, anywhere in the wider community, and teaches about warning signs and symptoms, where to go for help, that sort of thing. It also teaches evidence-based research and educating people so they know how to help themselves and others.

Why is it so important for people to speak about mental health?
The more comfortable we can be with having these conversations, the more chance there is that people will open up to each other and get professional help. It’s imperative we all start talking so we can create a culture of understanding and change the way people see mental health.

Father’s Day is this weekend, while it’s a celebration for many families, it can also be a difficult time, what advice do you have for anyone who might be struggling?
Definitely. Take the time out to do something that will make you happy, or at least feel a little bit better. By that I mean give yourself permission to be selfish. On the flip side, if you know someone is struggling, please reach out to them, ask how they’re doing and listen to what they have to say. Listening is vital. If you are suffering please remember you’re not alone, reach out and ask for help, there is someone out there who will listen.

How can we help with LIVIN’s mission?
Jump on our website, all our information is on there. There’s plenty about where to get help, warning signs, etc. There’s a volunteer section and ways to get us out to your school or community group. 

What’s in the works in the future for you guys?
We’re always on a mission to make LIVIN the best it can possibly be. At the moment we’ve got a pilot program in a school in Townsville and hopefully once we get the information we need, we’ll look at taking that Australia-wide.

What’s the best piece of life advice you’ve ever received?
Treat other people how you’d like to be treated. 

Being a local, we have to ask your favourites…

Café: Burleigh Social Brew
Restaurant: Easy Street Diner, Julie’s Woodfired Kitchen on Tallebudgera Connection Road – the food is amazing and third, Tom Ugly’s – good pizza.
Beach: Burleigh
Weekend hang: Tallebudgera Creek

Get fit for free* on the Gold Coast

Woman doing yoga (image courtesy of Destination Gold Coast)
Woman doing yoga (image courtesy of Destination Gold Coast)

Sure, there’s abs-olutely no shortage of ways to get fit on the GC – but what about when you don’t want to feel the burn on the ‘ole hip pocket too?

When it comes to keeping active on the cheap, of course you’ve got your beach, bush walks, stair runs & bike tracks – but what about when you’re craving something outside of the more obvious suspects? *Cue crickets*

If finding ways to get fit, flexible or sweaty on the GC has you coming up empty-handed in more ways than one, we’ve compiled some of the best free and (super) low-cost options to get that heart rate up without breaking the bank!

Oh, and we crunched the numbers – with five free options in the mix, you’ll even have enough change left over for a sneaky oat latte for your efforts #thankuslater

Yoga pants at the ready, y’all!

Zen Soul Life. Yoga & Pilates (image supplied)
Zen Soul Life. Yoga & Pilates (image supplied)

Zen Soul Life
If you’re yet to become a devotee of the all-over body workout that is Pilates, the free and affordable weekly community sessions run by Zen Soul Life make it easy to change that. Don’t let the appearance of the low-impact movements fool you, this deceptively challenging workout will have you building strength, improving flexibility and – our personal fave – relieving back pain (a must for all the desk workers among us!).
When: Free sessions held Monday 9.30 am (during school terms) or various days and times (Paradise Point)
Where: Zen Soul Life, Pacific Pines Community Hub or Paradise Point Parklands
Cost: Free* (Pacific Pines) or $10

Move Strong – on the Mat
A hybrid program with a Pilates feel, Move Strong on the Mat is based around complementary resistance training and cardio techniques, designed and led by an accredited exercise scientist. Created to enhance your balance, coordination, cardiovascular health and muscular strength – sign us up! And from only $4 entry, this f-ab class is really not a stretch either.
When: Move Thursday 9 am and 10.30 am, Friday 9.15 am
Where: In Motion Health and Fitness, Benowa, Paradise Point & Labrador
Cost: $4–5

Group fitness (image supplied)
Group fitness (image supplied)

A&H Group Fitness
With a time slot that makes it ideal to squeeze in before work, and a fun and interactive group based environment designed for all fitness levels, the only thing standing in your way to live, laugh, lunge will be your ability to ignore the seductive allure of the snooze button. Go get your fix of strength, cardio, boxing and functional fitness movements all in one. With HOTA hosting multiple classes across the week that cost no more than a fiver; our reasons not to get our keister along for a solid sweat sesh really are diddly-squat.
When: Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 6 am

Where: HOTA, Surfers Paradise.
Cost: $5

Lights Out and Dance
We all know the mood-boosting properties of a spontaneous dance sesh, so why not take it to the next level and get fit while you tear up the d-floor? Lights Out and Dance is an immersive free-movement dance experience so fun you’ll forget you’re even exercising. Held in the evening at two convenient GC locations, what better way to ‘shake it off’ after the day that was, than having an abs-olute blast while you dance your heart out in the dark!
When: Tuesday and Thursday at 7 pm
Where: Broadbeach Cultural Precinct, Broadbeach and Runaway Bay Youth Centre, Runaway Bay
Cost: $10 – bookings required

Dancing and movement (image via UnSplash)
Dancing in the dark (image via UnSplash)

This ‘Gentle Yin’ class is geared towards beginners, so the gentle movements will leave you feeling restored, rejuvenated and pose-itively put together no matter how manic your day has been! A combination of stretching, light isometric strength training and long holds at a restorative, slower pace. Glow on, get amongst it – your mind, body, and soul will thank you.
When: Tuesday at 4.30 pm
Where: Eleventh Avenue Community Space, Palm Beach
Cost: Free

For those of you a little further north, the savvy yoga sessions such as those hosted at various locations throughout Broadbeach may be a little more convenient for you. Designed to unify the body and mind, these open air classes are based around postures, movements and breath awareness while improving flexibility and strength. I really regret starting my day with that seaside yoga sesh – said no one ever.
When: Wednesday and Saturday (2 locations) 7 am
Where: Broadbeach Cultural Precinct, Kurrawa Park and Federation Park, Broadbeach
Cost: $5

Yoga by the beach (image supplied)
Yoga by the beach (image supplied)

Deep Water Running
For a cheap and cheerful workout that’ll really make a splash, get carried away with the benefits of deep water running! This low-impact workout option is ideal for people with injuries or limitations (but also, a great way to escape the humidity!) With beginner classes geared towards introducing you to the joy of combining cardio and for a full body workout and improving mobility without any worries about strain or injury.
When: Mudgeeraba – Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday (times vary) and Nerang, Thursday at 9.45 am
Where: Mudgeeraba (various locations) and Nerang Aquatic Centre
Cost: $3–$5

Tai Chi
Be moved by the healing martial art techniques that Tai Chi has to offer. A qualified instructor will guide you through a series of breathing and stretching techniques to help promote harmony, improve mobility, and increase alertness. The beach-side proximity is an added bonus that makes this class a martial-ous way to start your day.
When: Thursday 8am
Where: Kurrawa, Broadbeach
Cost: Free

Tai Chi (image supplied)
Tai Chi (image supplied)

Ready to run Forrest, run? Or perhaps you’d prefer a spot of power walking to start your weekend on the right foot (hey, if it’s good enough for Kath and Kim, it’s good enough for us). No matter your preferred pace, hit the pavement with this fun, friendly and free weekly 5k community park run event! Great for people of all fitness levels to get those steps up – walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate – it’s up to you!
When: Saturday 7 am
Where: There are stacks of Parkrun locations across the Gold Coast. Including, Tallowwood Park, Coomera, The Esplanade, Paradise Point, Hollingdale Park, Main Beach, HOTA, Surfers Paradise, Monaco St, Broadbeach Waters, Varsity Lakes, Varsity Lakes and Darcy Doyle Park, Mudgeeraba and Kirra.
Cost: Free – registration required

Community Run Clubs
If you’re looking for a little push to peel yourself outta bed and punch out a sneaky few dozen km before breakfast, a community run club is the one for you. Hedges Run Club and Unfit Run Club are just two of many groups across the Coast bringing sweaty, like-minded souls together to make early morning mems whilst moving their bods. Cardio with a side of camaraderie – sounds infinitely funner, no?
When & Where: Hedges Run Club – 5am Wednesdays (outside Rafikis), Unfit Run Club – Thursdays and Saturdays, check the insta for deets as routes change weekly
Cost: Free – registration required

Words by Kellie Leader

Running on the Gold Coast (image supplied)
Running on the Gold Coast (image supplied)

7 reasons locals love Surfers Paradise

Surfers Paradise Beach - Photo by Will O (Image from Unsplash)
Surfers Paradise Beach - Photo by Will O (Image from Unsplash)

Once upon a time we left holidaymakers to their own devices in arguably the GC’s most famous beachside suburb, but off the beaten path – well to be fair, some are still very much on it – locals have been keeping these gems all to themselves for a little too long if you ask us. That’s right, Surfers Paradise is more than a postcard-perfect destination, it’s a lifestyle locals love to embrace, because why should we leave all the fun to the tourists! So now we’re here to spill the beans on all the reasons locals can’t get enough of Surfers Paradise.

Outdoor Dining at Paradise Centre, Surfers Paradise (image supplied)
Outdoor Dining at Paradise Centre, Surfers Paradise (image supplied)

For all-in-one spots
Surfers Paradise does convenience like a pro with destinations where you can shop, eat, and play all in one spot. Paradise Centre is a beachside fave with a mix of fashion, food, and fun, right at your fingertips in the heart of Cavill Mall. Just a short stroll away you’ll find Soul Boardwalk where laidback vibes met beachside dining and retail therapy aplenty – because what better way to get the food digesting than with a shopping moment.

If an urban escape is more up your alley then pop on over to Chevron Renaissance for all your boutique shopping needs, whether it’s a bite to eat, to grab groceries for the week, a new fit for that special event or a pedicure pamper moment your wish is their command. The two hour free parking is also a big drawcard!

Soul Sundays Brunch at Bazaar with Malfy Gin (image supplied)
Soul Sundays Brunch at Bazaar with Malfy Gin (image supplied)

All-you-can eats
If you’re in the market for a buffet that’ll bowl you over then you’ve come to the right place because at this point buffet should be Surfers Paradise’s middle name.

Locals know that they’ve got the buffet game locked down so if you’re up for eating so much seafood you’ll need to unbutton your pants to fit in another plate then Citrique at the JW Marriott has your name all over it.

Just down the highway you’ll find a bustling international market that dreams (and hungry bellies) are made of with QT Gold Coast’s iconic Bazaar Marketplace experience.

Edging on the cusp of neighbouring Broady, Horizon Sky Dining might have pretty much everything on the menu but what about revolving panoramic views of the Gold Coast? They’ve got those two and we’ll take a plate of both thank you very much.

The Blue House, Budds Beach (Image: © 2023 Inside Gold Coast)
Bumbles and The Blue House, Budds Beach (Image: © 2023 Inside Gold Coast)

For your morning sips
If you’re anything like us, the day doesn’t start until coffee has been sipped. Kickstart your day with the perfect brew at ESPL Coffee. This beachside gem is great for delicious bites with a friendly vibe.

If you’re seeking people who are serious about coffee, Paradox Coffee Roasters is the destination you seek. They are committed to producing the highest quality coffee there is — just ask the locals!

Like your morning sip with a side of epic treats? Janus Bakehouse is for you… don’t mind us drooling just thinking about it.

To escape the hustle & bustle head to Bumbles. Budds Beach has long been a local secret but there’s good reason why Gold Coasters have been flocking to this hot spot for 10+ years. Get your coffee fix, some snacks and set up on the edge of Budds Beach for the ultimate start to the day.

Lulu Rooftop & Bar, Surfers Paradise (image supplied)
Lulu Rooftop & Bar, Surfers Paradise (image supplied)

For you harder sips
Fancy a cocktail (or five)? Well you’ve come to the right place because Surfers is a cocktail connoisseur’s dream come true. After sunset – okay maybe before too – Surfers turns into a cocktail connoisseur’s playground.

Lulu Rooftop is the newest addition to the scene, serving up a funky art deco aesthetic alongside sophisticated sips.

Sports fan? Hit up The Sporting Globe to get all the sporting action live and loud or get ready to yeehaw and let loose at Cowboys, with a bucking bull taking pride of place the Americana vibes are vibing.

Cowboys, Surfers Paradise (Image: © 2024 Inside Gold Coast)
Cowboys, Surfers Paradise (Image: © 2024 Inside Gold Coast)

Okay party people, we hear you asking where to go get Gold Coast vibes going and it’s obviously got to be Cali Beach Club – it’s giving European inspired beach party so you’re guaranteed a good time. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it we say, so it’s no wonder locals keep going back for more at The Island Rooftop, an institution for good reason you can’t beat the open air and the huge beverage list never fails us.

Coast Beach Bar Terrace, Surfers Paradise (image supplied)
Coast Beach Bar Terrace, Surfers Paradise (image supplied)

For drinks with a view Surfers Pavilion has nailed casual waterfront meets ‘I don’t want to leave yet’ as it overlooks the canal so you can watch the boats drift by. Hinterland your preferred view? Well, The Exhibitionist Bar’s got them aplenty, actually they’ve got panoramic sight of the whole GC so take your pick. Back over on the beachside Coast Beach Bar are home to some of the best marg’s on the GC and even better views of the suburb’s namesake beach.

Sura Thai, Surfers Paradise (Image: © 2024 Inside Gold Coast)
Sura Thai, Surfers Paradise (Image: © 2024 Inside Gold Coast)

For casual eats
Sometimes you just want to keep it low-key and you know what, that doesn’t have to mean that the flavours are low-key too. You go-to for authentic Thai flavours has got to be Sura Thai, dine in to make the most of the cosy and authentic feel or grab your favourites to-go. Shiraz Persian Restaurant has become known as the Coast’s best Middle Eastern bites with aromatic Persian dishes like tender kebabs gracing the menu.

Velaa Cafe, Surfers Paradise (image supplied)
Velaa Cafe, Surfers Paradise (image supplied)

Don’t sleep on Velaa’s Asian fusion fare from classic poke bowls and new flavours like their signature Thai Milk Tea Parfait (uh, YUM) just waiting for you to discover.

We like big burgers and we cannot lie so Wahlburgers is a must-try for us, plus you might even sneak a peek at Mark Wahlburg when he’s in town next if you’re lucky!

Wahlburgers Surfers Paradise (image supplied)
Wahlburgers Surfers Paradise (image supplied)

Alright, this one is definitely loved by more than just locals, HOTA’s Markets are the ultimate hangout to ring in Sunday Funday, pick up all the local farm fresh produce and flowers your heard desires and then grab a bite (we’re looking at you, Mio Wraps) and a sweet treat for the road and thank us later.

Palette, HOTA (image supplied)
Palette, HOTA (image supplied)

For something a little bit fancy
Now’s the time to bust out your best fancy fit because Surfers has some pretty boujee spots up their sleeves.

Nestled beneath the HOTA Gallery, Palette proves that fine dining is back, baby! Treat yourself to the degustation for the full experience, with dishes and cocktails inspired by the each gallery exhibition you need to see it – or taste it – to believe it.

Citrique, JW Marriott Gold Coast (image supplied)
Citrique, JW Marriott Gold Coast (image supplied)

The buffet is always a winner at Citrique, but have you tried their a la carte? Take this as your sign to snag a seat and let the food come to you while you spoil yourself with the Chef’s Signature Bay Bug Dumplings (life-changing) or some chargrilled Australian Wagyu.

Elevated Thai is the word at Nahm Talay Thai, all your regular favourites but even better and cocktails that are just begging to be instagrammed – bonus point for the beach front views.

Sunset at the Skypoint Observation Deck (image supplied)
Sunset at the Skypoint Observation Deck (image supplied)

Let the good times roll
Surfers Paradise isn’t short on adrenaline or intrigue and it doesn’t matter if it’s your first or 50th time visiting, they still pack the same punch in our humble opinion.

Scale SkyPoint for unbeatable views atop the Q1, chill out (literally) at the IceBar and get a moment to reflect at the Mirror Bar – see what we did there.

Mirror Bar, Surfers Paradise (Image: © 2024 Inside Gold Coast)
Mirror Bar, Surfers Paradise (Image: © 2024 Inside Gold Coast)

If you’d rather enter another dimension for a little while then Infinity is begging for you to explore their mysterious maze or drop into Other World HQ and escape the ordinary with mind-bending interactive games and escape rooms. Test your team work (and maybe patience) at Eclipse Escape Rooms and Fox in a Box, go on – put that big ol’ brain to work.

We’re partial to a trip down nostalgia lane so we’re always down to battle it out at Timezone, and when there’s fun for all ages on the menu how could you not! Feeling flighty? Take a literal leap of faith at iFly and get a taste of indoor skydiving before you brave the great outdoors.

Timezone Surfers Paradise, Paradise Centre (image supplied)
Timezone Surfers Paradise, Paradise Centre (image supplied)

Gosh all that exploring calls with some pampering to finish the day, but not without its quirks! Barefoot Fish have tanks full of fish – yep, real live fish – just waiting for you to dip in for a soak so they can get rid of any dry or dead skin and leave you feeling refreshed and relaxed.

Words by Jacqueline Bojanowski

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